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Antelope Elementary School

Red Bluff, CA

Reading/Language Arts

Reading at Home

Reading at Home

Make Reading A Part Of Your Family Time!

Make Reading A Part Of Your Family Time!

Family time is so important… Why not make reading part of this valuable time with your kids?
Family time is so important… Why not make reading part of this valuable time with your kids?
Here are some tips for integrating reading into our daily family activities:
  • Read bedtime stories
  • Play a board game
  • Visit your local library
  • Read a recipe and cook something yummy together!
  • Create a comfy reading space in your home.
  • Put your child in charge of reading the grocery list at the store.
Choose Books at an Appropriate Reading Level for your Child
  • Use the five finger rule. Open the book to any page and ask your child to read.
  • Put up a finger every time your child does not know a word. If you have put up more than five fingers before the end of the page, this book is too hard for your child.
  • Choose books that match your child’s likes and interests.
  • Keep plenty of reading materials in your home: books, magazines, newspapers, and comic books. Children enjoy having a variety of reading materials!
How To Read With A Beginning Reader
  • Encourage your child to use his/her finger to point to each word.
  • Read a sentence and have your child repeat it.
  • Take turns reading a sentence each or a page each.
  • Talk about the story as you read it. What do you think will happen next? What does this story remind you of? How do you think this character feels?
  • Don’t be afraid to read the same book again! Repeated reading helps build reading fluency!15-20 minutes is plenty for a beginning reader!
Check For Understanding

Check For Understanding

Check For Understanding
  • Start the book by making predictions. What do you think will happen in this story?
  • Ask questions and make comments during the reading process.
  • After reading a book, have your child tell you the events from the story in the correct order.
  • What was the problem in this story?
  • How did the character feel when…?
  • Encourage your child to make connections. Does this story remind you of another book you read, an event in your life, a movie?
Below is a printable version:  
Authored by:  
Glenda Hampton Anderson
Education/Assistive Technology Consultant
Butte County SELPA


Accelerated Reader, by Renaissance Learning, is an individualized reading practice program. Teachers monitor students independent reading and student read books appropriate for their reading abilities. When students finish a book they take a short quiz on the computer. Teachers look for quiz scores that are 85% or higher. Quiz success indicates the students ability to comprehend the text. These quiz results offer feedback to the student and the teacher directing reading practice.


The Accelerated Reader program "book level" is determined using the ATOS readability formula which bases the difficulty of the text on word length, number of words in the book, sentence length, and difficulty of vocabulary.
Interest level is taken into account based on the reading level of the book. Books determined to be a 5.3, (5th grade 3rd month), would have  themes and ideas appropriate to the age group.




Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) determines the range of books that will challenge the student but not to the point of frustration. This individual range is determined by Accelerated Reader's STaR component. The STaR adaptive assessment is given at the end of each trimester in the District.