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Antelope Elementary School

Red Bluff, CA

Antelope/Berrendos Booster Club

What is the Antelope/ Berrendos Booster Club?

What is the Antelope/ Berrendos Booster Club?

The Booster Club is an organization of parents and caring individuals who want to make a difference in a child's education. This important organization within the Antelope School District is a great opportunity to get involved planning events, fund-raising, school activities, meeting faculty, and working with others to make a difference in our District's schools. Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, alumni, and business owners are encouraged to join and participate!
Our voluntary donation is applied directly toward a variety of school needs. Parents and Guardians are welcome to join us as we work to make a difference for Antelope and Berrendos students. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and volunteering when and where you can!
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Antelope/Berrendos Booster Club is a support network for the Antelope School District. The organization hopes to enhance the District's educational process and aid in providing a safe, healthy environment for Antelope District students.
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